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Enabling Seamless Connectivity: Innovations at the Edge: Neel Mehta, Divesh Gupta, Greg Tilton and Camille Mendler

24 Jul 2024

Enabling Seamless Connectivity: Innovations at the Edge: Neel Mehta, Divesh Gupta, Greg Tilton and Camille Mendler

  • The role of Open APIs and standards to build intelligent apps, monetizing the network by drawing demand, not just selling connectivity
  • How to prioritize customer needs, collaborating with partners to create value by aligning offerings with their ecosystems
  • Explore how hyperscalers and CSPs play pivotal roles in MEC, IoT, impacting sectors like supply chain and immersive reality
  • Streamlining development with tools like ODA Canvas, automating processes for accelerated innovation and efficiency
Neel Mehta

Neel Mehta

IT Director Architecture & Delivery

Bell Canada

Greg Tilton

Greg Tilton

VP Quote & Order


Divesh Gupta

Divesh Gupta

Vice President - Technology & Sales Operations

PCCW Solutions

Camille Mendler

Camille Mendler

Chief Analyst
