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In search of innovation: the future for telecoms R&D

What does the current telecoms R&D landscape look like and what is the future of innovation for communications service providers (CSPs)? Read our report to find out more.

Ed FinegoldEd Finegold
20 Aug 2024
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In search of innovation: the future for telecoms R&D

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In search of innovation: the future for telecoms R&D

Years after the heyday of Bell Labs, communications service providers (CSPs) spend far less on R&D than their vendor and hyperscaler counterparts. But the landscape of investment in innovation is changing as networks move towards software functions and composable, plug-and-play IT.

Read this report to:

• Hear from telecoms operators how R&D has changed

• Understand how R&D can become part of a CSPs' product and service development process as they transition to a techco operating model

• See examples of industry leaders that have made the transition to drive innovation and value across their businesses by making R&D part of everyday activity

• Learn how TM Forum’s Open Digital Architecture (ODA), ODA Canvas and Innovation Hub can enable the benefits of experimentation and solution creation.